_ Seller: _ Address: _Ī Bill of Sale records a transaction and transfers ownership of an item from a seller to a buyer. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED this _ day of _, _ in the presence of:

I CERTIFY that the odometer of the Motor Vehicle was not altered, set back, or disconnected while in my possession, and I have no knowledge of anyone else doing so. I CERTIFY that to the best of my knowledge the odometer reading as stated above reflects the actual mileage of the Motor Vehicle. Current Odometer Reading: _ kilometres.Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): _.I, _ of _ (the 'Seller'), STATE AND DECLARE that the odometer of the following vehicle (the 'Motor Vehicle') reads as follows: Failure to complete or providing a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment.

Most legal jurisdictions require that the Seller state the Mileage upon transfer of ownership. GOVERNING LAW: This Bill of Sale will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta. INSPECTION: The Purchaser accepts the Motor Vehicle in its existing condition given that the Purchaser has either inspected the Motor Vehicle or was given the opportunity to inspect the Motor Vehicle but chose to not inspect it. LIABILITIES: The Seller does not assume, nor does the Seller authorize any other person on the behalf of the Seller to assume, any liability in connection with the sale or delivery of the Motor Vehicle. MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY: Any disclaimer of warranties by the Seller in this Bill of Sale will not in any way affect the terms of any applicable warranties from the manufacturer of the Motor Vehicle. WORKING ORDER: Any warranty as to the condition or working order of the Motor Vehicle is expressly disclaimed by the Seller. The Seller expressly disclaims any expressed or other implied warranties.

The Seller expressly disclaims any implied warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose and any implied warranty as to merchantability. 'AS IS' CONDITION: The Purchaser acknowledges that the Motor Vehicle is sold 'as is'. The Seller also warrants that the Seller has the full right and authority to sell and deliver the Motor Vehicle and that the Seller will defend the title of the Motor Vehicle against any and all claims and demands. WARRANTIES: The Seller warrants that the Motor Vehicle is free of any liens and encumbrances and that the Seller is the legal owner of the Motor Vehicle.